This month has been a busy one! DD's 4th birthday party, an out of town wedding, homeschooling, decluttering, field trips, and enjoying being mostly pain free. Then the cold, wet mornings hit this week and my Fibro pain is back. YUCK! Today I REALLY wished I had some narcotics to deal with the pain. But since I don't have any....I kept busy to keep my mind off the pain and took lots of my herbal anti inflammatory supplements and advil. I homeschooled my 6 yo son this morning, took both kids to storytime at Starbucks, then we hit a new indoor playplace for a couple hours. Then came home and cleaned up my room in preparation for the new cleaning lady coming on Wednesday. I need to declutter and put stuff away so she can get into each room to clean :(. Pain level was a constant 7/8 all day...DOUBLE YUCK! Today I decided to keep my son home from the charter school because I was in just too much pain and tired to drag my rear out of bed to get him to school at 8am and both kids were completely sacked out until almost 9am anyways. Tomorrow we have a 9am allergy retest appointment for my 4 yo DD and a firestation tour at 2pm for my son and his class. Somewhere I need to squeeze in picking up the kids rooms and decluttering the diningroom area...again so the cleaning lady can get in there to do some deep cleaning. To help me with keeping up with the house (dusting and deep cleaning) we are trying out a cleaning lady once a month. I can keep on top of the decluttering and putting stuff away and vacuuming (mostly), but dusting and wiping everything down leaves me sick with bad allergies for days the hubby said to hire someone...yay! Love my husband! So hopefully my house will be cleaner and less dusty from here on out.
Things I am looking forward to this week:
1- Firestation and Police Station all the hands on learning through homeschooling :). They are studying Community Helpers in history.
2- 3 days weekend for the hubby for Memorial Day Weekend....hopefully the weather will be nice so we can go to the beach!
3- having fun out in the pool with my kiddos.
4- having a clean house :).